










  Hong Kong is in chaos. People are in the streets every weekend. Marches and rallies during the day become violent rampages at night.

  And American flags can be seen in the streets.



  How did this happen? Why are protesters demanding US sanctions on their own city?



  That same day, the United States warned the proposed amendment could endanger its citizens in Hong Kong and threatened it would retaliate by re-examining Hong Kong's preferential economic status compared to the Chinese mainland.





  I asked a high-ranking Hong Kong lawmaker and former secretary of security if there was any truth to this claim that with the bill China will be able to jail political dissidents.


  這種說法毫無根據。 我們的修訂案只是擴大了現有條例適用的地域范圍,而現有條例在1997年前就已制定,並且完全符合國際人權標准。 No truth whatsoever. You know our amendment legislation only expands the geographical coverage of the existing legislation, which was enacted before 1997 and fully compliant with international human rights standards.

  隨後《逃犯條例 》被撤回, 但是抗議活動並未就此停止,甚至逐步升級。

  更可怕的事情發生了。 主持人介紹道: “ 不久後,公開發聲反對抗議者也成了危險之舉。 ”

  Soon it became dangerous to even voice opposition to these protesters.





  It's ironic the West is now supporting a "democracy movement" in Hong Kong.


  From 1843 to 1985, the year after the joint declaration, there were no elections of any kind, and the fi rst direct election didn't take place in Hong Kong until 1991.

  美國爭取社會主義和解放黨尤金·珀伊爾(Eugene Puryear)告訴記者:“中英聯合聲明簽署後,英國決定,要向香港引入一些民主元素。在此之前,所有香港的官員都由英國王室直接任命,是完全的殖民主義、徹底的反民主。


  What we see now the current electoral system, the vast majority of that form of universal suffrage has been brought in post-1997.That is, after the return of the sovereignty of the People's Republic of China, and it was directly connected to the idea Britain wanted to create the illusion that Hong Kong, the way we've run it, was democratic, as opposed to this undemocratic-authoritarian-communist government in China.



  During the entire British era, which lasted until 1997, there was a de facto kind of apartheid that existed in Hong Kong. Chinese people were treated like third-class citizens.


  Somehow it's been lost in this that Hong Kong was stolen from China by the British Empire as part of a broader attempt to actually weaken China as a major world power.Which is maybe the most anti-democratic thing you could think of right, an empire just coming in and just stealing a part of a country.




  Britain's requirements for returning Hong Kong to China included no protections for democracy, but did include protections for private property and provisions Hong Kong would continue to operate as an outpost of Western capitalism.


  國際行動中心的主要負責人薩拉·弗朗德斯 (Sara)告訴 “今日俄羅斯”記者稱:“這意味著香港20%的人口處於極端貧困線以下,並且在住房、就業及社會發展方面,並未推出任何舉措來改變現狀。香港15%的人口是百萬富翁,同時20%的人口處於絕對貧困,還有大量的中間階層擔憂自己的境況突然惡化。”

  ... ens hrined capitalist property relations in the harshest and strict est way. It means that 20 percent of the population is living in utter destitute poverty. And no plan in place in terms of housing, jobs and social development to really change this. Almost 15 percent of the population ranks as millionaires, 20 percent in utter poverty and a huge middle grouping terrified of falling off the cliff.


  When it comes to inequality, Hong Kong is not alone.


  Oxfam says 82 percent of the wealth created on earth in 2017 went to the world's richest 1 percent.


  在尤金 (Eugene)看來,香港的問題清晰明了,是包括美國在內的資本主義社會共有的問題,但香港遊行示威活動卻出現了一個罕見的現象。

  這個群體的訴求,並沒有完全涉及我們美國人眼中真正的問題,我們和香港人一樣都被資本主義肆意蹂躪。 再看看抗議運動領袖都在和什么樣的人會面,都是世界各地的激進人士,他們還處心積慮地追著同共和黨最高領導層見面。

  The demands of this group certainly aren't dealing with many of the problems those of us in America who also are opposed to the worst ravages of capitalism would recognize as real problems. And then too you see who they're meeting with are progressive people anywhere in the world, you know, climbing over one another to be meeting with the Republican high command.


  So, I think this movement is not really about that. It's about a broader attempt to promote really a form of dismembering of China.



  This growing poverty worldwide creates conditions ripe for unrest, and unfortunately sets the stage for foreign forces to co-opt these sentiments.



  So why is the US supporting an anti-government movement in Hong Kong? Well, maybe we should take a look at what's been actualized by this movement so far.




  For one thing, the bill cites the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which is a treaty that China has yet to ratify. That means it's not binding under international law.


  The bill also cites Hong Kong Basic Law 45, the provision of Hong Kong's law that states the ultimate aim is the selection of the chief executive by universal suffrage.


  The United States says it wants Hong Kong to follow Basic Law 45, but any examination of basic law 45 reveals that implementing such universal suffrage should be done in light of the actual situation in Hong Kong. Still, the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act threatens to punish China if it doesn't accelerate this timeline.


  The bill also threatens sanctions if Hong Kong does follow the Hong Kong Basic Law. It says the US will sanction Hong Kong if the Hong Kong government enacts a new law regarding national security pursuant to Article 23 of Basic Law.


  Article 23 of Basic Law gives Hong Kong the authority to prohibit acts of treason and subversion against China. It also prevents foreign police from conducting political activities and Hong Kong political parties from establishing ties with foreign political parties.

  另外,該法案表示無論香港的抗議者們犯了什么罪,他們都能順利拿到美國簽證。 What's more, the bill states protesters in Hong Kong won't have any problems getting US visas regardless of what crimes may have been committed.





  1. 法案為美國進一步制裁及幹預中國香港打下基礎。

  2. 美國還能順帶還能通過香港人權與民主法案撈金 。


  You know in the late 90s, the US passed the Iraq Freedom Act, the Syria Freedom Act, the Libya Liberation Act. What legislation like this is meant to do is to establish a baseline upon which to build and to get further and further down the road of US intervention and sanctions.


  The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act mandates the president to make a list of people for the US to blacklist from entering the country. It gives the US authority to seize the assets of anyone on this list, Chinese or otherwise.

  任何企圖逃避資產凍結的個人一經發現,將會面臨最高100萬美元的罰款。 正是由於這個原因,香港人權與民主法案又被稱為


  And anyone who tries to get around the US confiscating their possessions can be fined for up to a million US dollars. It's for this reason the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act has been called a money grab.


  第一: 這一切因何而起?


  過去三十年來,中國經濟增速是美國的三倍。 中國工薪階層生活水平的提升速度,比美國的工薪階層快了太多。

  The Chinese economy has been growing three times faster than the United States for the last 30 years. The standard of living of the average Chinese worker has been growing much, much faster than anything that the average American worker experiences. 中國政府及人民知道如何解決全世界人民面臨的最嚴峻的問題,那就是如何消除貧困,過上更好的生活,擁有現代化、工業化的經濟,他們正逐步實現這一目標。 The Chinese have figured out how to do the thing that is the most urgent need of the people of this world, which is to stop being poor, and to become comfortable, and they have a modern industrial economy. They're doing that.


  They are the ascending power in the world. Everybody knows that. And that means they challenge the United States because our dominance, the dominance of the United States, which has been in existence roughly a century, is now heading down.



  Sanctions anywhere in the world is economic warfare and strangulation. Why on earth would anyone in Hong Kong make a demand that sanctions be passed on Hong Kong? There is an agenda. They may not be aware these are young people without a future, and that's because of what has been imposed on them from the West.




