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  On September 27, 2019, the opening ceremony of K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. Changsha Representative Office was held in the CSHT-International Science & Technology Business Platform. Mr.Zhou Qingnian, Secretary of Party Working Committee of Changsha High-Tech Zone, Mr. Chen Zhiyong, Consultant-Director of Changsha High-Tech Zone, Ms. Li Weimin, Deputy Consultant-Director and Director of the Foreign Science and Technology Exchange Center of Changsha High-Tech Zone attended the activity.
The delegation visited International Platform
  揭牌儀式之前,周慶年與沙特阿拉伯Al Bawani集團董事會成員、沙瓦福國際有限公司副總經理Shawaf Al Shawaf一行進行會談。中國通號、海憑醫械園等麓谷企業參會。
  Prior to the opening ceremony, Mr.Zhou Qingnian held talks with Mr. Shawaf AL Shawaf, board member of Al Bawani Group, deputy general director of K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. CRSC, Haiping International Medical Device Industrial Park and other Luvalley enterprises attended the conference.
The delegation visited Luvalley enterprise
  周慶年對Shawaf AL Shawaf一行的來訪表示歡迎,祝賀沙特阿拉伯沙瓦福國際有限公司長沙辦事處揭牌,並介紹了高新區的發展情況。他表示,高新區形成了先進裝備製造、電子信息、新能源與節能環保、現代服務等六大主導產業,和移動互聯網、文化創意、3D打印、自主可控、航空航天等特色新興產業。近年來,湖南省提出「創新引領、開放崛起」發展戰略,高新區積極發展對外貿易,外向型經濟「逐年攀升」,多家企業外貿實現「破零倍增」,進出口總額、利用外資、對外勞務合作營業額等均保持強勁增長勢頭,對外開放的步伐越來越大,企業間的國際合作交流越來越多,對「走出去、引進來」的需求也越來越強烈。
  Mr. Zhou Qingnian welcomed the delegation, congratulated on the opening of the Changsha Office of K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. and introduced the development of the High-Tech Zone. He said the zone has formed six leading industries, including advanced equipment manufacturing, electronic information, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and modern services, as well as characteristic industries such as mobile Internet, cultural creativity, 3D printing, autonomy and control, and aviation and aerospace. In recent years, Hunan Province put forward the development strategy of “innovation leads, rising from the opening-up ”, Changsha High-Tech Zone actively develops foreign trade and enjoys the boom of open economy. Foreign trade companies grown from nothing and have made many breakthroughs, maintaining a strong growth momentum in import and export total turnover, FDI, foreign labor cooperation, etc. As they continue to open to the world, there are more and more international cooperation and exchanges between enterprises, and their demand for “going global” and 「bringing in」 is also rising.
周慶年會見Shawaf Al Shawaf
Mr. Zhou Qingnian met with Mr. Shawaf Al Shawaf
  周慶年希望,高新區與沙特阿拉伯能夠加強合作交流,該企業與麓谷企業開展深度合作,加強先進技術、經營管理等方面的交流,促使雙邊有更廣泛的合作空間。同時,希望Shawaf Al Shawaf多宣傳高新區以及麓谷企業,加強雙邊企業之間的交流。
  Mr. Zhou Qingnian hoped that the High-Tech Zone and Saudi Arabia can strengthen cooperation and exchanges, in-depth cooperation in advanced technology, management and other aspects which can be carried out between the company and Luvalley enterprises. At the same time, he hoped Shawaf will publicize more about High-Tech Zones and Luvalley enterprises to promote bilateral exchange.
The opening ceremony of K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. Changsha Representative Office was held in the International Platform
  Between January and August this year, the total revenue of enterprises in the High-Tech Zone reached 168.7 billion CNY, with a year-on-year growth of 16.9%. The fiscal revenue of the Zone has exceeded 10.1 billion CNY and is expected to reach 18 billion CNY for the whole year. Foreign investment in the park reached us $406 million, up 11.2 percent year on year, and the total import and export volume reached us $3.337 billion, up 69.6 percent year-on-year.
  The delegation of Hunan enterprises will go to Saudi Arabia for investigation and exchange at the end of October this year. Zhou Qingnian said that he hoped to carry out the investigation and study activities every year to deepen the friendship between the two sides, so that the business can grow with more opportunities to cooperate.
Group photo
  「非常榮幸能夠在新中國成立70周年之際來到中國,也非常榮幸來到長沙高新區學習,並成立沙特阿拉伯沙瓦福國際有限公司長沙辦事處。沙特阿拉伯是位居海灣地區的能源大國,是「一帶一路」沿線重要的節點國家。作為沙特阿拉伯家族式的經營公司,我們與中國友好關係往來有近40年的歷史,我們見證了中國奇蹟般的變化,我們也感到非常榮幸,能入駐到長沙高新區,致力於架起中沙交流合作的橋樑,同時希望雙方加強緊密合作,為中沙經貿文化交流做出貢獻,」Shawaf Al Shawaf表示,中國在國際上扮演着越來越重要的角色,也成為沙特阿拉伯學習和模仿的榜樣,希望能通過沙特阿拉伯沙瓦福國際有限公司長沙辦事處,幫助湖南企業在沙特找到適合自己的商機,並為湖南企業提供所需要的資訊服務。
  “It is a great honor to come to China on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and to study in Changsha High-Tech Zone and set up the K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. Changsha Representative Office. Saudi Arabia is an energy power in the gulf region and an important node country along the ”the Belt and Road“. As a Saudi Arabia family-owned company, the friendly relations between us and China's has nearly 40 years of history, we have witnessed China's miraculous change, we also feel very honored to have an office in Changsha High-Tech Zone so as to build the bridge of communication and cooperation, contributing to economic, trade and cultural exchanges between China and Saudi Arabia.”Shawaf Al Shawaf said that China plays a more and more important role in the world and set an example to the Saudi Arabia, he hoped K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. Changsha Representative Office can help Hunan enterprises to find suitable business opportunities in Saudi Arabia and provide information services for Hunan enterprises.
  據介紹,沙特阿拉伯沙瓦福國際有限公司是沙特阿拉伯前三大建築公司之一的AL BAWANI集團旗下的國際貿易公司,是AL BAWANI集團開拓國際貿易市場的重要平台和窗口。AL BAWANI集團經營範圍囊括了工程項目承包、信息技術和通信系統、貿易、機電、鋼鐵製造、工業和投資等,是沙特「一級資質」企業,與沙特國內政府部門,基礎工業公司,醫院、教育等部門有緊密的業務往來。在之前拜訪湖南省商務廳的會談中,沙瓦福國際有限公司總經理Shawaf Al Shawaf介紹了沙特阿拉伯的發展現狀,表達了願意深化與湖南省優質企業交流與合作的意願,同時熱情邀請湖南省企業前往沙特阿拉伯投資。「目前是進入沙特阿拉伯市場的最好時機,我們歡迎湖南廣大的企業家與投資人前往沙特阿拉伯,我們願意提供必要的幫助,消除障礙,促進雙方事業的共同發展」 Shawaf Al Shawaf說道。
  K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. is the international trade company under AL BAWANI Group, one of the top three construction companies in Saudi Arabia. It is an important window for AL BAWANI Group to explore the trade market in China. Covering the engineering project contracting, information technology and communication systems, trade, mechanical and electrical, steel manufacturing, industry and investment, etc., AL BAWANI Group is a “CLASS A” enterprise of Saudi Arabia that has close cooperation with the Saudi government, domestic based industrial company, hospital, education and other departments. Mr. Shawaf, managing director of K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd., introduced the development state of Saudi Arabia in the previous meeting during the visit to Department of Commerce of Hunan Province last time, he expressed the willingness to deepen exchanges and cooperation with high-quality enterprises in Hunan Province, and invited enterprises in Hunan province to invest in Saudi Arabia. “Now is the best time to enter the Saudi Arabian market. We welcome entrepreneurs and investors from Hunan to Saudi Arabia.
  Saudi Arabia was one of the first countries to actively respond to the ”the Belt and Road“ initiative. Saudi Arabia's ”vision 2030“ is highly compatible with China's ”the Belt and Road“ initiative, and there is broad space for cooperation. According to the Ministry of Commerce, since 2015, China has become the largest trading partner of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia's export to China reached 92.5 billion Riyals and its import from China reached 92.4 billion Riyals, ranking first in both export and import. Since President Xi Jinping paid a visit to Saudi Arabia in January 2016 and jointly announced the establishment of China-Saudi Arabia comprehensive strategic partnership with King Salman, bilateral relations have entered a new stage. In 2018, the turnover between two sides reached 61.4 billion USD with 32% YOY growth, accounting for 17 percent of Saudi Arabia's total foreign trade in the same period.
  The opening of the K.S.A Shawaf International Co., Ltd. Changsha Representative Office will further enhance the understanding between enterprises in Hunan Province and Saudi Arabia, and build a communication platform and a smooth channel for the in-depth cooperation in bilateral economy and trade, talents, finance, technology and services.(來源高新麓谷)


[责任编辑:实习生 ]