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2021-06-12 00:20    香港商报


 It gives me pleasure to address the readers of Hong Kong Commercial Daily on the occasion of the national holiday of the Russian Federation - Russia Day.

 On June 12th, 1990 the first Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty, which became the starting point of a new era in the history of our country. This day is intended to be a symbol of free and future-oriented Russia, national unity of the Russian people and common responsibility for the present and the future of the state.

 Over the past years, despite the complex political and economic transformation, Russia has been reborn as a great power. The Russian Federation has strengthened its territorial integrity and modernized the armed forces. Achievements in economic development, improving the quality of life and strengthening international prestige are undeniable. The state with talented multi-ethnic people, glorious history, incredible scientific and cultural achievements, the largest territory in the world, richly endowed with natural resources, has proved to be a country of unlimited potential and opportunities.

 The objective of Russian foreign policy is to contribute to the creation of a sustainable world system based primarily on the equality of all participants and non-interference in internal affairs. As a founding state of the UN and a permanent member of the Security Council, Russia operates on the premise that the UN is the pillar of the international legal system.

 China is a like-minded country for Russia. Two years ago, Russia and China celebrated the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation with China are among the top priorities of Russia. This year we mark the 20th anniversary of signing the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation between Russia and China. The Treaty has become the legal basis and main guidance for the further development of bilateral relations, which are entering a new era.

 Guided by the spirit of the treaty, Russia and China are effectively cooperating in all areas and are responding in a timely and flexible manner to the global challenges, including international terrorism, information wars, interference in internal affairs and the COVID-19 pandemic.

 In the past two decades, bilateral trade between our countries has grown from just over 8 billion USD to 100 billion USD. Russia is a leading energy supplier to China, with a well-established infrastructure. The oil pipeline has been operating successfully for almost 10 years. In 2019, the Power of Siberia gas pipeline was commissioned. Leaders of Russia and China launched the construction of four new Russian-designed power units for the nuclear power stations in China. At the same time, Russia is improving its export structure. Last years, the supply of Russian agricultural products and food to China has increased significantly. Trade in services is also growing. The impact of e-commerce is steadily becoming larger. Russia and China more use national currencies for trade settlement.

 Both countries pay large attention to the combining of the potential of integration projects of the Eurasian Economic Union and China's Belt and Road Initiative and have already achieved practical results. There has been a noticeable increase in investment cooperation. The Intergovernmental Russian-Chinese Commission on Investment handles 70 projects with a total value of more than 120 billion USD. One of the feasible results of such cooperation is the Russian Yamal LNG project, which successfully supplies liquefied natural gas worldwide, including China. Chinese partners take part in the next phase of this project - Arctic LNG 2.

 Hong Kong is an important global financial hub and business centre. We believe that Asia's world city will preserve and develop the advantages. As for the Russia-Hong Kong trade, its gross turnover rose by 7.3% in 2020 to 4.9 billion US dollars. Russian exports to Hong Kong increased by 8.9% to 1.1 billion US dollars, with the core groups including precious metals, iron and steel, aviation equipment and parts, perfumes and cosmetics, meat and food products.

 One of the most promising areas of Russia and Hong Kong cooperation is finance, including FinTech and the securities market. The offices of VTB Capital, GPB Financial Services Several and other large Russian financial institutions operate in Hong Kong. As the Greater Bay Area project gathers pace, Hong Kong is expected to enhance its role as a top-tier international financial centre, which will provide new opportunities to Russia - China and Russia - Hong Kong business cooperation.

 I am delighted to see that our cooperation in the cultural sphere continues to grow. Russian musicians perform in Hong Kong, even during the pandemic - world-famous Igor Moiseyev ballet had an online performance as the Hong Kong Arts Festival finale, Hong Kong Sinfonietta managed to bring Russian trumpeter Sergei Nakariakov with two live concerts. On May 28th, the exhibition "The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series: Tsar of All Russia. Holiness and Splendour of Power ", prepared by the Moscow Kremlin Museums was opened in the Hong Kong Heritage Museum. I believe that when the pandemic is under control we will be able to see many more artists and athletes from Russia in Hong Kong.

 I would like to congratulate my Russian compatriots living in Hong Kong and Macau, including representatives of the Russian Club in Hong Kong, the Russian Language Centre and the Russian Business Club, on the Russian National Day. Thanks to their efforts and enthusiasm, Hong Kong sees a host of Russian events in the fields of culture, music, film, tourism, business and much more.

 Mr. Igor I. Sagitov

 Consul General of the Russian Federation in the Hong Kong SAR & the Macao SAR of the  People's Republic of China

(來源: 香港商报) 編輯: 靜文

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