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   HenryRosemont, Jr. 布朗大学教授,宗教研究访问学者,马里兰州圣玛丽学院人文学院George B. 和Willma Reeves杰出教授和复旦大学的高级顾问教授。









罗思文(Henry Rosemont, Jr.)
















Connie Rosemont


Henry Rosemont, Jr.

Prolegomena (HR)

When Mr. Yu Jianwen of the Tongxinzhai Galleryfirst approached me to write an article for the catalog of Professor Chai Zushun’spaintings he was preparing, I hesitated, because while I have long studiedearly Chinese philosophy, I am not at all a scholar of Chinese painting. I aman appreciator of it at best, and thus believed I could have nothing of anysignificance to say about Professor Chai’s work.

But at his urging I agreedto look at the photos being put together for the catalog, and fairly quicklybecame intrigued by both the variety and vibrancy of Chai Zushun’s paintingsand the versatility of his use of the artist’s tools, and agreed to write ashort appreciation of the several visions I saw reflected in his work.

I began looking moreclosely at his paintings in the several genres in which he concentrated:socialist realism, portraiture, tigers and dragons, and “mental imagery.” Themore I did so, the more convinced I became that Professor Chai’s work deserveda more sophisticated Western analysis and evaluation than I was capable ofgiving it, so I asked my daughter Connie Rosemont to participate with me inwriting for the catalog. She is highly knowledgeable about Chinese painting –she holds an M.A. in Chinese from the Humanities Department of the JohnsHopkins University and studied at Fudan University for two years while I wasteaching there in the early 1980s  – andI have learned much from her analyses and assessments of the Chinese masters wehave discussed together over the years.


She, too, quickly becameintrigued by Professor Chai’s work, and agreed to join me in writing about it.

Readers now have theresults of our efforts before them. I will proffer some general remarks on thepaintings from the perspective of philosophy – both Chinese and Western – andthen Connie will present a more substantive account of Professor Chai’s ouevrein its artistic context.


Henry Rosemont, Jr.

Western scholarship onChinese philosophy has been broadening and deepening for several decades now andis beginning to be taken seriously in many of the philosophy departments in theUnited States. The major reason for this interest is not simply China’s rise toeconomic power – much of the scholarship preceded it – but because it becameincreasingly apparent to many comparative philosophers that earlier translatorsand interpreters of the classical Chinese texts were employing a specificvocabulary of Western philosophical terms when translating the Chinese, whichof course meant that the early masters were not able to speak in their ownvoices, and worse, made them appear not very sophisticated as philosopherscompared to their Western brethren.

But as soon as we stoplooking (in vain) for how Chinese thinkers thought about essences, andabout being (stasis) -- two fundamental concepts throughout thehistory of Western philosophy since Plato – we can begin to appreciate what they were saying about transformationand about becoming (change). These latter concepts were central toall of the “Hundred Schools” of classical Chinese philosophy, and we willunderstand and appreciate Chinese painting no less than philosophy only as wecome to understand how the philosophers all debated how human beings shouldbest live: not, as in the West, seeking and contemplating knowledge of eternalverities, but rather living a life that accommodated the only constant inChinese thought – change. For Confucius as well as for Zhuangzi the goal was tolive in accord with the principles of wu wei actions; learning to “Gowith the flow” at all times.

This is a primary example of how the study of Chinese philosophyhas grown more sophisticated in the West. Wu wei used to be translatedas “inaction” or “non-action,” both of which sound odd to a non-Chinese inanswer to the question of how one should lead one’s life. Now, however, thephrase is rendered more as “effortless action,” and we can come to see that itis a life-long endeavor, because change never ceases; human beings are alwayschanging no less than nature, along with the course of events. As the notedSong Neo-Confucian philosopher Cheng Hao said, “For the junzi, nothingis better than being impersonal and impartial, and responding to events as theycome.”


What has all this to dowith the paintings of Chai Zushun, you may ask? In the first place, if we viewhis work over the course of his career, we easily see that he has been able tostep into a world of great change and transformations while never losing asense of direction, nor getting entangled in momentary phenomena. He hasreflected those changes in both the content and the form(s) of his work overthe course of six decades, culminating in his current “mental imagery” (xinxiang) paintings, which to me exhibit a sophisticated disciplinedspontaneity. This expression is an oxymoron of course, but close viewing ofhis xin xiang works especially show a highly skilled craftsmansubmerging his ego, employing his painting instruments as extensions of himself– including his own fingers – in patterns of colors and shapes which almostseem random at first, but form a coherent, integrated and aestheticallypleasing whole when studied.  And whatsuch study reveals as well is the disciplined spontaneity with which ChaiZushun has learned to paint them.

I must be clear on this point. I am not attributinga disciplined spontaneity to Chai Zushun himself so much as I see it reflectedin his painting; about the man himself I know only what he includes in hisbrief autobiography. But I do not see him as merely either a Chinesetraditional painter, or a Western one, nor yet a fusion of the two. Rather than“either/or” I believe he should be viewed as “both/and,” because his disciplineinvolved not simply mastering the several techniques of master painters, butalso learning to transcend an egocentric perspective that would permit him tobecome “impersonal and impartial” in his painting, as Cheng Hao had suggested thejunzi must strive to achieve. This striving characterized alltraditional Chinese intellectuals for two thousand years.

In this way I seeProfessor Chai as a traditional Chinese painter. I believe  his tigers and dragons are also verytraditional (except, perhaps for the tigers as symbols of the Middle Kingdomcurling their lips and baring their fangs almost all the time; perhaps a symbolof defiance after “China has stood up?”) The socialist realism works are alsosignificantly traditional for the most part, and it is to Professor Chai’scredit that he has done portraits of workers, peasants and soldiers with asmuch respect as he accorded the celebrities he also portrayed (Einstein, SunYat Sen, Song Qingling, Picasso, etc.).

On the other hand,Professor Chai became quite proficient in Western art forms, techniques andtools as well. This is clearly, albeit unusually, shown not only in his work inoils, but specifically also in his several paintings of nudes. Here I amreminded of the well-known French sinologist Francois Jullien, whose book TheImpossible Nude: Chinese Art and Western Aesthetics included the followingstatement:

That nudeswere neither painted nor sculpted in China can ultimately beattributed to ‘theoretical’ reasons; namely, that China never conceived,singledout and put forward a cohesive plane of essences, and that the Chineseimagination therefore found no gratification in the embodiments of essences that the mythological figures represent to us. 

In Jullien’s sense, then,Chai Zushun has definitely painted across the Chinese grain in some of hiswork: Western through and through. And I must confess it was the nudes I foundleast compelling of his works.


At first glance several ofhis paintings struck me as fusion, and perhaps they should be called such, butfor myself the “fusion” is more due to his western medium (oils and canvas)rather than the Chinese (ink on paper).

Overall, however, it is inthe “mental imagery” work that I most see Chai Zushun’s disciplinedspontaneity, his wu wei effortless action evidenced; which is why Isuggest he is perhaps best describedas “both/and” as a painter. His abstractexpressionism reflected in the xin xiang works is obviously Western inboth inspiration (he regularly refers to Jackson Pollack’s work), and intechnique and materials. But it is the junzi ideal of the wu wei andziran traditional artist that most distinguished Professor Chai’s paintingsfrom other abstract expressionist work either in China or in the West I haveseen, and it is just that junzi display of effortless action that is, tothe best of my knowledge, uniquely Chinese. He has not risen above perspective(no one can), but is able to see more than one perspective in what he observesand senses, and consequently his imagery has a vibrant and vivid spontaneitythat seems to want to escape the confines of the canvas. And as he sayshimself, they bespeak the temper of the times at which they were painted, yetare not static, not simply a snapshot in time, but illustrative of the many andvaried major changes China – and the world – were undergoing at the times theywere painted, and are undergoing in these opening decades of the 21stCentury.
