【中共百年 深圳故事】有片 | 「愛在中國」的一堂黨史課-香港商报
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【中共百年 深圳故事】有片 | 「愛在中國」的一堂黨史課

来源: ShenzhenDaily

 Editors Note:

 This video is one of a series of bilingual videos produced by Shenzhen Daily to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.

 Featuring exclusive interviews, visits to sites of historical significance, overview of Shenzhen’s development and the wishes sent by people from all walks of life, the video series pays homage to the splendid achievements the Communist Party of China has made over the past 100 years from the perspective of expats in Shenzhen.


 Video and photos by Liu Xudong, Lin Jianping and Li Chengxing

 In this video, 101-year-old Dongjiang Column veteran He Wei and her friends share their stories with expats.


 They are residents of Shenzhen Renda Benevolence Nursing Home.

 They are participants of China’s revolution and construction courses.



 On March 23, a group of expatriates visited the nursing home.They are volunteers from the charity organization "A Heart for China."


 101-year-old He Wei shares her story of fighting in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

 He Wei was a guerrilla of the Dongjiang Column.

 Her story as a soldier has inspired many young people, and she also enjoys sharing it with the expatriates.




 Ronny Verdoodt from Belgium has been living in China for 17 years.

 He has a deep understanding of China's rapid development.


