巴基斯坦駐港總領事畢比勒(Bilal Ahmad Butt)向港澳市民拜年。他表示,新春佳節來臨之際,代表巴基斯坦伊斯蘭共和國駐香港總領事館,向香港和澳門市民致以熱烈的節日問候和美好的祝願,祈願您們興旺發達、身體健康!
Mr. Bilal Ahmad BUTT, Consul-General of Pakistan in Hong Kong
As the Chinese New Year begins, I on behalf of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Hong Kong to extend warm festive greetings and best wishes to the people of Hong Kong and Macau, and pray for your prosperity and good health.
2022 Lunar New Year is going to be a Year of the Tiger, an animal which rightly symbolizes great courage and strong leadership. Only with courage we can live to the fullest.
Confronted by covid-19 pandemic, China and Pakistan supported each other in this testing time. The ironclad China-Pakistan friendship is getting stronger with every passing day. Reviewing the past and looking into the future, we are confident to further strengthen our brotherly ties.
May the year of the Tiger bring good fortune and great happiness to you and your loved ones.
Kung Hei Fat Choi!