有片 | 【雙語深圳】我們這十年:灣區老外說變化-香港商报
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有片 | 【雙語深圳】我們這十年:灣區老外說變化

来源:Shenzhen Daily



 How will 60 expats from 30 countries and working in different fields describe the development of Shenzhen and China over the past decade? What is their understanding of the past, present and future of Shenzhen? What’s their connection with the city?



 In an era of uncertainty, the future of humanity has become a growing concern. People seeking answers are looking forward to hearing voices from different parts of the world. Shenzhen, as a window for the international society to observe modern China, is accelerating the construction of a global benchmark city with outstanding competitiveness, innovation and influence.

 為迎接黨的二十大勝利召開,深圳市人民政府新聞辦公室與英文《深圳日報》(Shenzhen Daily)共同策劃推出的系列全媒體國際傳播作品《我們這10年:灣區老外說變化(Decade of Transformation)》即將上線,集中展現黨的十八大以來深圳所取得的成就。此次系列作品中,在中國工作和生活了七年的知名網絡博主Rafael Saavedra將帶領大家跟隨他的腳步和鏡頭記錄和觀察一座行進中的中國年輕都市。

 The Information Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government joins hands with Shenzhen Daily to launch a series of reports titled 「Decade of Transformation,」 to tell the story of Shenzhen in the eyes of expats. Rafael Saavedra, a popular YouTuber who has been living and working in China for seven years, will show you Shenzhen, a young city in China.


 The 60 expats in Shenzhen will share their personal experiences of living and working in Shenzhen and in China. They will present you with an understanding of how Shenzhen, a core city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, thrives through innovation-driven and green development. Let’s feel the city’s charm, dynamism, vitality and innovation through their stories.

