國際化「麵包」 | 世界在深圳 ⑫-香港商报
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國際化「麵包」 | 世界在深圳 ⑫



How do expatriates live their life and start a business in Shenzhen? What is Shenzhen like in their eyes? 「The World in Shenzhen」 will share with you their Shenzhen stories.

本集講述新加坡麵包師沈賜吉(Sim Ser Kiat)探索麵包國際化之路。他1988年隨新加坡一家石油公司到了深圳蛇口,這座城市的日新月異讓他「樂不思新」。他在2004年開了一家咖啡店,4年後自己開始研究做麵包,還到法國等地學習。越來越多的外國人到深圳,他發現了商機。人們對麵包需求的多樣化,恰恰反應出這座城市越來越國際化。的確,中式、法式、日式、英式、意式麵包,你想吃什麼,這裏都能方便地買到。

This episode documents Singaporean baker Sim Ser Kiat’s entrepreneurial endeavor of making bread in Shenzhen. Sim arrived in Shekou, Shenzhen in 1988 with his employer, a Singapore oil company, and was overwhelmed by the city’s rapid development. He opened a coffee shop in 2004, and ventured into the bakery business four years later. With the number of expats growing in Shekou, he found that people from different countries have diverse preferences for bread. He had even traveled to France to learn bakery for his new business. Whatever kinds of bread, Chinese, French, Japanese, English or Italian, you’ll find it at your disposal in the city as it becomes increasingly international.
