-- 天氣


責任編輯:嚴燕紅 2023-01-04 15:24:33 來源:香港商報網

    來吧!讓世界聽到「我們」,歡迎加入「中華一脈 與『青』同行」海峽兩岸青年守護人計劃,一起探索中華傳統文化的有趣故事 ……2022 年 9 月 10 日,一篇面向全球的海峽兩岸青年守護人計劃招募報道在網絡上刷屏,得到了海內外青年人的廣泛關注。

    據悉,截至 2022 年 12 月底,已有數百名青年加入了這一計劃,化身為海峽兩岸青年守護人,同心同屏講述他們身邊的中華傳統文化故事,用實際行動表達了無論身在何處我們從來都是一家人的真實情感,更生動詮釋了中華傳統文化是兩岸同胞共同的精神家園。

    2023 年新年伊始,海峽兩岸青年守護人發出了一封特殊的倡議,號召廣大兩岸青年協力 「同心」,相伴「同行」,一起來守護中華傳統文化。






    協力「同心」。積極參與「中華一脈 與『青』同行」海峽兩岸青年守護人招募活動,同心守護中華傳統文化,投身國際人文交流,講好中國故事,擔負青春應有的使命與責任。

    相伴「同行」。以「海峽兩岸青年守護人」的身份互訪交流,尋訪傳統文化地標、講述文化故事、學習傳統技藝等,在尋訪中守護節慶、守護非遺、守護國寶、守護家國,通過拍攝尋訪 UGC 等身體力行,找尋情感的同頻共振。



    2023 年 1 月

    Youth across the Strait responding to the initiative and protecting Chinese tradition and culture

    Welcome to the One Culture One Identity Program. Come join us to explore interesting stories of Chinese tradition and culture... On September 10, 2022, the Global Recruitment for One Culture One Identity Program which was launched by Modern Express went viral on the Internet and received extensive attention from youngsters at home and abroad.

    It’s reported that, by the end of December 2022, hundreds of youngsters have joined the program as protectors who told stories of Chinese tradition and culture around them. With concrete actions, they expressed the true feelings of One Culture One Identity regardless of where we are, and spoke volume about the fact that Chinese tradition and culture are the common spiritual home of compatriots across the Strait.

    At the beginning of 2023, protectors of Chinese tradition and culture issued a special initiative which called on youngsters across the Strait to work together to protect Chinese tradition and culture.

    The full text of the initiative is as follows.

    Youth across the Strait,

    The time-honored Chinese civilization emerges more vibrant after thousands of years of development. Its profound cultural deposit reflects the wisdom and thought of the Chinese people and nourishes their emotion and life as invaluable intellectual wealth.

    With the same root and language, people across the Strait celebrate the same festivals. Behind all these is unbreakable blood kinship. We youth of the new era should inherit and carry forward Chinese tradition and culture and enable the world to better under us and China.

    To this end, we would like to sent an initiative to youngsters across the Strait.

    Let us take an active part in the One Culture One Identity Program and work together to protect Chinese tradition and culture. Committed to international cultural and people-to-people exchanges and telling appealing Chinese stories, we will undertake our youthful mission and responsibilities.

    Let us exchange visits as protectors of Chinese tradition and culture, visit traditional cultural landmarks, tell cultural stories and learn traditional craftsmanship. With these efforts, we will protect the festivals, intangible cultural heritage, national treasures and our homeland. Emotional resonance will be promoted with everybody pitching in for UGC shooting and visits.

    5,000 years of history has forged our fortitude and kinship. Youth across the Strait, let us work together to carry forward our fine culture and make us heard around the world.

    Protectors of Chinese tradition and culture

    January 2023

責任編輯:嚴燕紅 倡議書|@海峽兩岸青年:共同守護中華傳統文化


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