-- 天氣


責任編輯:靜文 2022-09-21 19:36:47 來源:香港商報網



 Hong Kong has always been a bridge between East and West. What makes Hong Kong a global financial centre? It’s Hong Kong’s long-term prosperity and stability.

 However, some countries and some politicians made up false allegations against the National Security Law, claiming that the Law undermines human rights, devastates Hong Kong as an international financial centre and weakens the city's business environment.

Each year about 120 million travellers depart China, and if China really undermines human rights as they said, why would 99% of them return to the country?

 When talking about China's internal affairs, we should not ask the opinions of people in other countries, but should ask about the expectations and satisfaction of local people within the country. 

 Contrary to their allegation, the clear facts prove that the law has given investors at home and abroad more confidence in investing in Hong Kong. The IPO funds raised in Hong Kong exceeded 650 billion. 

 The number of regional headquarters and offices of foreign-funded enterprises in Hong Kong have reached a new high of 9,000 last year. All of these figures are the best evidences of Hong Kong maintaining a strong business environment.  

 As a young person who had studied in the United States, I chose to return to Hong Kong to live and develop my career here because I am confident in this place’s success. 

 I believe that the implementation of the National Security Law together with the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong” to uphold the principle of "one country, two systems", will be a reassurance for Hong Kong, which will increase our youth upward mobility and give them a greater room for development.





責任編輯:靜文 有片|港青林顥伊聯合國發言:香港國安法令投資者更有信心


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