-- 天氣
外籍友人打卡美麗鄉村 欣賞山東高唐非遺文化

外籍友人打卡美麗鄉村 欣賞山東高唐非遺文化

責任編輯:林梓琦 2023-06-21 20:23:59 來源:香港商報網







    在高期間,國際友人們還體驗了高唐的美食文化,他們來到大磨坊豆腐店品嘗了高唐的傳統美食豆腐腦,早餐結束後外國友人還聆聽了店主對我縣豆腐腦製作歷史和製作過程的介紹,地道的高唐豆腐腦給外國友人留下了獨特的印象,對高唐的美食文化紛紛豎起大拇指。(記者 孫珂 通訊員 李鵬 李青)

    Foreign friends clock in our beautiful countryside, appreciate the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Gaotang China

    Recent, five foreign friends from the United States (Scott, Robert), South Korea (Zheng Byung-do) and Cameroon (Gaston) walked into Koi Town and Intangible Cultural Heritage Maker Base in SanShilipu Town, Gaotang Dynasty,  Ltd,Feel the charm of Gaotang intangible cultural heritage。

    In the koi breeding base in SanShilipu Town,Foreign friends listened attentively to the introduction of different varieties of koi,learned about the red and white koi with a healthy swimming style, the three-color koi with a peculiar style, and the phosphorus-free koi with black, white and red colors.They were amazed at the development of Gaotang koi and the scale of breeding, and said that they were worthy of being "the first county of koi in China."

    Foreign friends also visited wheat straw paintings, paper cut paintings, craft gourds, burning paintings, root carvings, etc.The non-genetic inheritor of wheat straw painting introduced in detail the origin and production method of wheat straw, the raw material in wheat straw painting, and brought foreign friends to make wheat straw painting together, and felt the charm of traditional culture on the spot.Jeong Byung-do of South Korea was in the wheat straw painting production workshop and saw a work on the wall with his name "Dao",In the process of communication, the inheritor of the wheat straw painting learned this meaning, so he gave the wheat straw painting to a Korean friend, who repeatedly thanked and took photos.

    During their stay in Gaotang, international friends also experienced the food culture of Gaotang, and they came to the Big Mill Tofu Shop to taste Gaotang's traditional food tofu brain.After breakfast, foreign friends also listened to the owner's introduction to the history and production process of tofu brain production in our county, and the authentic Gaotang tofu brain left a unique impression on foreign friends and gave a thumbs up to Gaotang's food culture.

責任編輯:林梓琦 外籍友人打卡美麗鄉村 欣賞山東高唐非遺文化


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