-- 天氣
有片 | 今晚香港青年容詩蘊在聯合國人權理事會第53屆會議上發言

有片 | 今晚香港青年容詩蘊在聯合國人權理事會第53屆會議上發言

責任編輯:程向明 2023-06-23 22:47:22 來源:香港商報網

 Hong Kong is a unique city. Under the “One Country Two systems”, we are able to enjoy the privileges of being a part of China with huge resources and emerging market, also a high degree of autonomy while retaining our social and economic system.

 After the implementation of the National Security Law, social stability is re-established which is essential for future development.  We have heard claims that some legitimate rights of Hong Kong people have been compromised under the National Security Law. This is definitely nothing but slander. National Security related law exist in most western countries, it is necessary for the protection of people hence a healthy economic development and general prosperity. As long as you do not violate the law, you can do anything as you wish. Civil rightsare well safeguarded underthe Hong Kong Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bills of Rights. As the Secretary General of the Hong Kong United Youth Association and a female, I particularly care about the interest of youths and female. The government treasure the voices of youths and females on public affairs that we can self-recommend into government advisory boards. There is also a rising proportion of females in government body.

 As an international hub, we are grateful for the attention from the international community. We sincerely hope the international community could continue to support and respect our views. Thank you.





 Yung See Wan Tiffany, Project Officer of Beijing NGO Network for International Exchanges and Vice Chairman of Topstand Development Limited  Hong Kong


責任編輯:程向明 有片 | 今晚香港青年容詩蘊在聯合國人權理事會第53屆會議上發言


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