-- 天氣


責任編輯:林梓琦 2023-07-12 10:30:22 來源:香港商報網



    建築是凝固的藝術,時至今日,文廟作為一座極具審美價值的古建築靜靜的驚艷着時光,它的精神文化價值也從未消減,寄託着人們對美好願景的期許和對儒家精神文化的認同。(記者 孫珂 通訊員 王紀岩 張傳思)

    The Yanggu Wen Temple

    The Yanggu Wen Temple, located on the north side of Zishi Street in Yanggu County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, was first built in the third year of Jingde during the reign of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty (1006 AD), making it over a thousand years old. It is now a provincial-level cultural heritage conservation site.

    The central building of the Wen Temple is the Dacheng Hall, which is five rooms wide and three rooms deep. The entire hall is made of brick and wood. The exterior walls of the north, east, and west sides of the hall are constructed from blue bricks, and they are used to pay homage to Confucius. The Dacheng Hall, with its upturned eaves, sits within a courtyard of dense pine and cypress trees, exuding a sense of ancient solemnity.

    Architecture is frozen art. Today, as a stunningly beautiful ancient structure, the Wen Temple still amazes with its timeless grace. Its spiritual and cultural value remains potent, symbolizing people's hopes for a bright future and their recognition of Confucian culture. Here's wishing all students may ascend to the top of the honor list and achieve their academic goals.

責任編輯:林梓琦 【視聽山東】陽谷文廟


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