-- 天氣

國家戰略 National Strategy

責任編輯:郭昕玥 2023-11-24 16:30:27 來源:

    我們歡迎全世界投資者到海南投資興業,積極參與海南自由貿易港建設,共享中國發展機遇、共享中國改革成果。   ——習近平


    2020年6月1日《海南自由貿易港建設總體方案》正式向全球發布。在海南建設中國特色自由貿易港,是習近平總書記親自謀劃、親自部署、親自推動的改革  開發重大舉措,是黨中央着眼國內國際兩個大局,深入研究、統籌考慮、科學謀劃作出的戰略決策。

    海南是我國最大的經濟特區,具有實施全面深化改革和試驗最高水平開放政策的獨特優勢。海南省委書記沈曉明:堅持「一本三基四樑八柱」戰略框架,加快 建設具有世界影響力的中國特色自由貿易港。

    「全省一盤棋、全島同城化」。昌江是海南工業文明的發祥地,是海南西線產業帶上的創業熱土。作為海南建設全島自貿港的重要一極,昌江確立綠色可持續 高質量發展目標,正圍繞「五地兩縣」發展定位,借助自貿港東風蓄勢發力、揚帆啟航、昌江縣委、縣政府竭誠歡迎社會各界及國內外客商前來投資興業,攜手合 作把昌江建設成為產業興盛、生態宜居、城鄉協調、人民幸福、社會和諧的綠色新昌江。

We welcome investors from all over the world to invest and do business in Hainan, actively participate in the construction of Hainan free trade port and share the development opportunities and achievements of China’s reform.   --Xi Jinping

On July 1st, 2020, the Overall Plan for the Construction of a Free Trade Port in Hainan Province was officially released to the world.The construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics in Hainan is a major reform and development initiative that General Secretary Xi Jinjing personally planned, deployed and promoted.It is a strategic decision made by the CPC Central Committee with both domestic and international interests in mind, through in-depth research, overall consideration,and scientific planning.

Hainan is the largest special economic zone in China, with unique advantage of implementing comprehensively deepened reform and testing the highest level of open policy. Shen Xiaoming, the Secretary of Hainan Provincial Party Committee, proposed to adhere to the strategic framework of “One foundation, three bases, four beams and eight columns”, accelerate the construction of a free trade port with Chinese characteristics and world influence.

“Taking a whole-of-province approach, the whole island with a city”. Changjiang is the birthplace of Hainan’s industrial civilization and the hot land for entrepre-neurship on the western industrial belt of Hainan. As an important pole in the construction of the Hainan free trade port, Changjiang has set the goal of green, sustain-able and high-quality development. Centering on the development orientation of“five places and two counties”, with the opportunities provided by the free trade port, the Party Committee and government of Changjiang County sincerely welcome all walks of life and domestic and foreign businessmen working together to invest and develop Changjiang into a place with prosperous industry, livable ecology, harmonious urban and rural areas, people's happiness and social harmony.

責任編輯:郭昕玥 國家戰略 National Strategy


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