$p = new show_page; //建立新对像
$p->file="news_list_place.php"; //设置文件名,默认为当前页
$p->pvar="page"; //设置页面传递的参数,默认为p
$p->setvar(array("cat" => intval($_GET['cat']), "place_c" => intval($_GET['place_c']), "pic" => intval($_GET['pic'])));
$p->set(20,$rnum,intval($_GET["page"])); //设置相关参数,共三个,分别为'页面大小'、'总记录数'、'当前页(如果为空则自动读取GET变量)'
$sql_news_list=$db->query($sql_news_list." limit {$p->limit()}");
- mysubstr(strip_tags($rows_news_list->title),0,17); ?> addtime; ?>
query("select * from news_place where place_c='".intval($_GET['place_c'])."' and cat=".intval($_GET['pic'])." and pic<>'' and hot!=1 and
status=1 order by id desc limit 0,1"));
query("select * from news_place where place_c='".intval($_GET['place_c'])."' and cat=".intval($_GET['pic'])." and pic<>'' and hot!=1 and
status=1 order by id desc limit 1,1"));
query("select * from news_place where place_c='".intval($_GET['place_c'])."' and cat=".intval($_GET['pic'])." and pic<>'' and hot!=1 and
status=1 order by id desc limit 2,1"));
query("select * from news_place where place_c='".intval($_GET['place_c'])."' and cat=".intval($_GET['pic'])." and pic<>'' and hot!=1 and
status=1 order by id desc limit 3,1"));
query("select * from news_place where place_c='".intval($_GET['place_c'])."' and cat=".intval($_GET['pic'])." and pic<>'' and hot!=1 and
status=1 order by id desc limit 4,1"));
query("select * from news_place where place_c='".intval($_GET['place_c'])."' and cat=".intval($_GET['pic'])." and pic<>'' and hot!=1 and
status=1 order by id desc limit 5,1"));