-- 天氣


責任編輯:趙桐曲 2021-05-11 13:50:42 來源:Shenzhen Daily

 竹內亮(Takeuchi Ryo)是一位已經在中國生活了快8年的日本紀錄片導演。在來中國之前,他為日本NHK、東京電視台等知名媒體拍攝紀錄片。來到中國後他和妻子白手起家做起了自媒體。

 Takeuchi Ryo is a Japanese documentary director who has been living in China for around eight years. Before coming to China, he had filmed documentaries for some of Japan’s most well-known media outlets including NHK and TV Tokyo. He and his wife currently run a documentary studio in Nanjing. His documentaries are released on their accounts in multiple social media platforms.


 With the aim of showing the world the real China, his studio has filmed a series of China-themed documentaries, covering topics such as COVID-19 prevention and control, technologies and poverty alleviation. These unscripted documentaries have been well received in China and abroad, and even won praise from Foreign Ministry spokespersons Hua Chunying and Zhao Lijian.

 近日,竹內導演來到深圳發布他的新書《我住在這裏的N個理由》(Reasons I Live Here),書籍里主人公都來源於他拍攝的同名紀錄片。「這本書特別適合深圳人,因為深圳外地人比較多。通過書中主人公的故事,深圳人也能思考我為什麼現在住在深圳。」

 Last week, Takeuchi came to Shenzhen to promote his new book 「Reasons I live here.」 The book reveals more stories of the characters in his namesake documentary. 「This book is especially suitable for Shenzheners to read because Shenzhen is a city of migrants. Through reading the book, you may also reflect on the reasons why you come to the city.」


 Shenzhen is one of his recent focuses as he is currently filming the third season of 「Reasons I live here」 and 「faces of HUAWEI,」 a documentary featuring the employers and employees of the Shenzhen-based tech giant. He said that the city impressed him. 「Most Japanese living in Shenzhen were born in the 1990s. These young people are very well-educated, very capable, and many of them speak fluent Chinese and English. It is fair to say that Shenzhen has become the choice of many capable Japanese young people.」


 Takeuchi also shared his filming plan in Shenzhen. 「My future focus will be on high technologies in Shenzhen, as well as expats and non-local people here. I think Shenzhen is a unique city because here, capability and creativity speak. This is also what makes the city so attractive.」

責任編輯:趙桐曲 專訪竹內亮:向世界展示真實的深圳


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