-- 天氣
成就事業,收獲幸福 ——记深圳市華先醫藥科技有限公司副總裁費安傑

成就事業,收獲幸福 ——记深圳市華先醫藥科技有限公司副總裁費安傑

責任編輯:雨杉 2021-05-12 17:49:31 來源:香港商报网



   Editor's Note

 Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has developed rapidly, creating a great miracle that makes the world look at it with new eyes. Shenzhen today is the epitome and witness of the significant historical change and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through the sharing of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan areas of China and the sharing of international friends, this column tells about their experiences and feelings of studying, working, living and starting a business in Shenzhen. It shows the Shenzhen temperament of daring to venture, openness and inclusiveness, being pragmatic and law-abiding, pursuing excellence, and Shenzhen’s charm of being suitable for living, business and tourism. Under the historic opportunity of building the first pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Shenzhen is starting a new journey with the momentum of "reform does not stop, opening up does not stop", and as a tribute to the centenary of the CPC.







 Andrew T. Phillis: success in career, harvest happiness

 --Vice President of Shenzhen Hwagen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

 "Pingshan District of Shenzhen is an ideal choice for us. It not only has a caring entrepreneurial environment, but also has a dynamic innovation ecology. The number of biological enterprises here is equivalent to that of Cambridge in the Boston metropolitan area, Massachusetts, the most concentrated field of pharmaceutical companies in the world. Pingshan represents the future development of biomedicine." Andrew T. Phillis, the Vice President of Shenzhen Hwagen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., is full of pride in choosing to start a business in Pingshan.

 Andrew T. Phillis grew up in New Zealand. After graduating from the University of Waikato, he studied for a Ph.D. in Chemistry at the Australian National University (ANU). After graduating from the ANU, he successfully entered GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the world's leading biomedical company. In the seven years at GSK, he started as a junior researcher, and later served as a fund project manager and senior researcher. He has accumulated a lot of experience in innovative medicine research and development, green innovation process development and industrialization, large-scale project management, and GMP production. With the rich resources provided by the group and his own experience, Andrew T. Phillis works like a duck to water. However, he is always curious about the outside world, hoping to go out of the "comfort zone" to maximize his value and challenge himself in a broader space.

 Coming to China is both a coincidence and a choice. Andrew T. Phillis's affinity with China began in 2003 when he visited China many times for work purposes and was impressed by the development opportunities, the diligence of the Chinese, and the excellent education level. Then, at the invitation of his friend Dr. Ye Weiping, Andrew T. Phillis came to China as a matter of course and founded Shenzhen Hwagen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. together with his friends. As one of the co-founders, Andrew T. Phillis has served as the head of the company's R&D, manufacturing, and international business departments and is currently responsible for the company's overseas market development business, finding customers for the company and promoting the company in four major markets: America, Europe, Korea, and Japan.

 With the continuous expansion of the company's scale, the original site can no longer meet the needs of production and development. Recommended by friends, Andrew T. Phillis decided to visit Pingshan. Due to Pingshan's leading biomedical industry cluster, sufficient laboratory space in the industrial park, and favorable leasing conditions, Andrew T. Phillis immediately decided to set up a new research laboratory in Pingshan's Shenzhen National Biological Industry Base. For the life-supporting facilities in Pingshan, Andrew T. Phillis describes it as "people-friendly": the perfect integration of modern architecture and natural park allow the citizens living around to have a place to relax, which makes it relatively easy for enterprises to recruit talents. For himself, living here is also very pleasant. In Pingshan, Andrew T. Phillis not only gained success in his career but also built a happy family. His wife is Chinese, and his two children were born and educated in China.

 On January 22, 2020, the General Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government issued the Guiding Opinions and Related Supporting Documents of Shenzhen on Promoting the Development of Biomedical Industry Cluster (1+3 documents), which clearly defined the biomedical development pattern of "one core and multi-center". The "core" mentioned in the document means accelerating the establishment of the medical science and technology industrial city with Pingshan biomedical industry cluster development main park as the core.

   In the future, Andrew T. Phillis hopes that more enterprises will come to Pingshan for development, and more basic research and industry-university-research-collaboration projects can be conducted in Pingshan. For the whole industry trend, he predicts that the application of AI will further improve the success rate of experiments and play an essential role in the R&D of new medicines, especially in the clinical trials of the medicines. 

責任編輯:雨杉 成就事業,收獲幸福 ——记深圳市華先醫藥科技有限公司副總裁費安傑


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