-- 天氣
有片|虹橋公園,光明區走向未來的縮影——記西班牙建築師Ramón Cuesta

有片|虹橋公園,光明區走向未來的縮影——記西班牙建築師Ramón Cuesta

責任編輯:黃鶯 2021-05-18 10:02:28 來源:Shenzhen Daily


 The newly opened Hongqiao Park, also known as Red Bridge Park, has a name deriving from the 4-kilometer red bridge built in Guangming District, Shenzhen, and ranked sixth among the 10 most visited places in China during the past Chinese New Year holiday, according to a list published in February by Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. In fact, the park, reputed as 「the most beautiful red ribbon,」 won the Best Landscape Design Award at the 2020 World Architecture Festival China (2020 WAFChina).

 虹橋公園在如此短的時間內就被市民接受並喜愛,對公園的項目經理Ramón Cuesta來說,無疑是一個巨大的驚喜。這位西班牙建築師是LOLA駐深圳辦事處的代表,虹橋公園就是他們承建的。LOLA (Lost Landscapes)是荷蘭新銳景觀建築設計事務所,成立於2006年,總部在鹿特丹。

 For Ramón Cuesta, project manager of the park, this was something that he had never expected and was a total surprise. The Spanish architect is the representative for the Shenzhen Office of the Dutch landscape architecture firm LOLA (Lost Landscapes), which is based in Rotterdam and was founded in 2006.


 The project that brought Cuesta to China two and a half years ago also has given him an opportunity to learn about and witness the development of Guangming and Shenzhen in general.


 「During these two and a half years I have seen how Guangming District develops and grows. When we started the project, this growth was obviously visible. Shenzhen is a very new city that is growing every day and Guangming is an example of that. It has developed tremendously. Now when you are in the park and you look at the district, you realize that it has changed a lot and has grown a lot,」 Cuesta said.


 For him, Shenzhen is a city that offers many opportunities, especially for professionals in design and architecture.


 「As you know, Shenzhen has been built over the past 40 years. Everything has been built from scratch, and it’s still being built. So, of course, the projects we are doing here are projects that are very difficult to find in other countries in the world,」 said Cuesta.


 「In our case, we specialize in huge parks. Shenzhen is the best place for that. As an architect, I am really enjoying myself in Shenzhen. It’s true that the pace of work is at another level, too, but yes, I am very happy,」 said the Spanish architect.

責任編輯:黃鶯 有片|虹橋公園,光明區走向未來的縮影——記西班牙建築師Ramón Cuesta


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