-- 天氣
麥浩森:主動應變,不斷修正 ----英泰隆工業發展(深圳)有限公司總經理

麥浩森:主動應變,不斷修正 ----英泰隆工業發展(深圳)有限公司總經理

責任編輯:朱劍明 2021-05-20 19:38:23 來源:香港商報網



 Editor's Note

 Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has developed rapidly, creating a great miracle that makes the world look at it with new eyes. Shenzhen today is the epitome and witness of the significant historical change and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through the sharing of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan areas of China and the sharing of international friends, this column tells about their experiences and feelings of studying, working, living and starting a business in Shenzhen. It shows the Shenzhen temperament of daring to venture, openness and inclusiveness, being pragmatic and law-abiding, pursuing excellence, and Shenzhen’s charm of being suitable for living, business and tourism. Under the historic opportunity of building the first pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Shenzhen is starting a new journey with the momentum of "reform does not stop, opening up does not stop", and as a tribute to the centenary of the CPC.







 Mai Haosen: active response, constant revise

 ----General Manager of Ying Tailong Industrial Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd

 Mai Haosen's office is located on the fourth floor of No.2 Building of Delta Technology Park, Dalang Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen. It is a very modern building. Sometimes he would close the door and stand alone in front of the window of his office, looking down at the brand-new industrial park and the orderly vehicles of the engineers through his black-framed glasses. That is the most fulfilling and peaceful moment for him. "At that moment, I will start to think: I did the right thing, I brought a lot of talents to Longhua. "

 At the age of nine, Mai Haosen immigrated overseas with his family. He grew up in Illinois and studied at the University of Illinois, majoring in the Entrepreneurship stream of Business Administration. He graduated from the university in 2001, went to Japan for further study in 2003, and then worked in Japanese enterprises in Hong Kong for a period of time. In 2010, He got his EMBA degree in Hong Kong. In 2006, the 26-year-old Mai Haosen began to take over the business of Ying Tai Industrial Group.

 Mr. Mai Xiong, Mao Haosen's father and the founder of Ying Tai, is the same age as Li Ka-Shing, who has been listed as the richest Chinese in Hong Kong for many times. Mai Xiong founded the group in 1957. After Deng Xiaoping's "Southern Tour" in 1992, Ying Tai keenly realized that the era of large-scale industrialization in the mainland was coming. After retaining some growing manufacturing entities, the investment focus of Ying Tai began to shift from manufacturing to industrial park development. In the practice of industrial park development, Ying Tai has explored a large service provider model integrating park developer, investment subject, and park operator, which has played a demonstration effect on the industrialization and urbanization of the mainland and won great trust from a wide range of customers, including the government and enterprises. With an investment of 250 million yuan, Ying Tai Industrial park is the pioneering work of Ying Tai's industrial parks in the mainland. It was also the largest Hong Kong-invested industrial park in Longhua at that time. It was completed and operated in 1995 and attracted more than ten enterprises from Japan, the United States, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and other places to settle in that year, among which the arrival of Foxconn became a landmark event in the history of mainland industrial development.

 In Mao Haosen's view, the management style of his father's generation is "daring to take risks, rushing forward when encountering opportunities, and then considering risks and going and seeing." However, "Now everything is different. We should consider risks first, then calculate, execute, and revise." After entering Ying Tai, Mao Haosen spent five years studying and adjusting in the front line of enterprise management. After 2011, he began to lead the middle and high-level leaders of the enterprise to adjust their strategic objectives constantly and gradually developed a path based on their own industrial park resources, aiming at the future of the industry and focusing on the industrial ecology. "It not only meets the needs of the sound development of the enterprises and Ying Tai but also conducive to the sound development, upgrading, and transformation of the whole industry in Longhua District.

 As for what Shenzhen has brought to Ying Tai, Mai Haosen believes that Shenzhen has always been open and inclusive. This is not something that can be changed by adjusting one or two local policies. It is a culture that only cities from scratch have, which is an incomparable advantage and a good city gene. Looking forward to the future, Mai Haosen believes that based on certain success, Ying Tai can take some resources to take risks, but it still needs to be rational.

 Mai Haosen said frankly that his most remarkable advantage is insight, while his disadvantage is that he once pursued stability a lot. "I think the pursuit of stability is doomed to disappointment because there will always be new problems and new opportunities. The most stable thing is change. People can never step into the same river. We should adapt to changes and plan as we go.

責任編輯:朱劍明 麥浩森:主動應變,不斷修正 ----英泰隆工業發展(深圳)有限公司總經理


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