-- 天氣


責任編輯:趙桐曲 2021-05-22 10:40:16 來源:香港商報網










 Zhou Yijun: get over homesickness, chase dreams bravely

 --CEO of Bosi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

 "What would you like to eat today?" This is a common greeting in the ordinary world. To end a good day with a good meal has become a fashion in today's society. But for people with dysphagia, even eating a simple meal has become their biggest luxury.

 "When I was at school, I had a good friend. When I visited his family and saw his three relatives with dysphagia, I was very sad and wanted to help them. At that time, I thought, it would be great if I could produce easy-to-eat products myself." Zhou Yijun's strong sense of mission has inspired his entrepreneurial spirit to create products suitable for people with dysphagia.

 The R&D of food products is not Zhou Yijun's first entrepreneurial experience. The 30-year-old Zhou started his own entrepreneurial road when he was a student.

 In 2011, Zhou, who just graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, aimed at the cross-border e-commerce industry and embarked on the road of entrepreneurship and dream pursuit. "In those years, the cross-border e-commerce industry was in the seller's market, and I did not worry about sales. Due to the small area of Hong Kong, the market demand was limited. However, there was a huge market in the vast mainland, so I turned all my purchasing channels to Shenzhen. We sold all the products of Huaqiangbei, a notable retail area in Shenzhen that has one of the largest electronics markets in the world. We sold the products to Europe, America, and Southeast Asia through the Internet. The average revenue was very considerable every year. " In 2014, Zhou began to focus on catering trade and finally became an agent of international catering products.

 Zhou, who is full of ambition, is homesick sometimes. "I've lived in Taipei, Singapore, and Dubai for a year or several months respectively, but I still think those places are too far from home. I want to live in a city where I don't have to take a plane to get home. "In 2017, Zhou Yijun returned to Hong Kong. A casual visit made him know the situation of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and what Qianhai has done for Hong Kong youth. After investigation, Zhou Yijun and his friends decided to register their company in Qianhai.

 "We have successfully passed the incubation program of Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and obtained relevant subsidies from Qianhai. What made me happy most is that Qianhai has also provided us with talent apartments, which is a great encouragement and support for my friends and me. Since then, my team and I have been determined to pursue dreams and the entrepreneurial opportunities in Qianhai as much as we can." After nearly two years of preparation, in June 2020, Bosi Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., founded by Zhou and his team, officially entered Qianhai and began to develop food brand Senior Deli to help patients with dysphagia and the elderly.

 According to Zhou Yijun, currently there are laboratories in the Shen Research Institute of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the Chinese University of Hong Kong for the products of Senior Deli developed by Bosi Research Institute. "At present, our products have been put into use in many professional elderly-care institutions, such as Hong Kong Baptist Hospital and Pine Care Group, the first listed elderly care group on the main board of Hong Kong. In Shenzhen, our products have been recognized by China Merchants Group and used in its elderly-caring institutions. In addition, our products are also available in more than 50 nursing homes in the cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, such as Guangzhou and Huizhou. "

 Last year, Senior Deli's four categories of products stood out from more than 2000 teams and won the bronze medal in the final of the 4th Qianhai-Guangdong-Hong Kong-Taiwan Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. In 2020, their project won the championship in the 7th Guangzhou Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition held by the Guangzhou Municipal Party Committee. In the 2020 Global Bio-Economy innovation and Entrepreneurship competition, Bosi Technology won the third prize in the competition by Senior Deli products and won 3 million yuan.


責任編輯:趙桐曲 周益俊:放飛夢想,不再想家


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