-- 天氣


責任編輯:趙桐曲 2021-05-28 09:52:04 來源:香港商報網



 Editor's Note

 Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has developed rapidly, creating a great miracle that makes the world look at it with new eyes. Shenzhen today is the epitome and witness of the significant historical change and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through the sharing of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan areas of China and the sharing of international friends, this column tells about their experiences and feelings of studying, working, living and starting a business in Shenzhen. It shows the Shenzhen temperament of daring to venture, openness and inclusiveness, being pragmatic and law-abiding, pursuing excellence, and Shenzhen’s charm of being suitable for living, business and tourism. Under the historic opportunity of building the first pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Shenzhen is starting a new journey with the momentum of "reform does not stop, opening up does not stop", and as a tribute to the centenary of the CPC.









 Luo Jiajie: Daring to try promises a bright future

 --Founder of Snowy Owl Technology Co, Ltd.

 "Please don't call me Mr. Luo; just call me Jie." The 31-year-old Luo Jiajie is a little bit shy. Jie founded Snowy Owl Technology Co., Ltd. in Qianhai, mainly engaging in CG animation video and 3D animation. He graduated from the City University of Hong Kong, majoring in creative media. After graduation, like many young people, he chose a stable, nine-to-five job in Hong Kong.

 "Dare to try if you are young so that you can find your way of development." On an ordinary working day in 2016, Jie was on his way home by subway when he suddenly felt that he needed to "recharge." He has always been vigorous and resolute. After obtaining the consent of his family, he successfully received the opportunity to study for a Master's degree in Animation Major of Teesside University in the UK because of his good academic performance during the undergraduate period.

 After getting his Master's degree, Jie returned to Hong Kong and set up a Sino-foreign joint venture company with his classmates to undertake cultural entrepreneurship projects. By chance, he received a project about interactive media of aerospace technology from a company in the mainland. Due to frequent business contacts, Jie found that there was a great demand for 3D design and animation in the mainland, so he came up with the idea of starting a business there. "In Hong Kong, there is a lot of information about Qianhai. I always want to start a business. In addition, living in Yuen Long, Hong Kong, it's very convenient for me to come to Qianhai. Therefore, I decided to start my business in Qianhai," Jie said.

 In November last year, Jie officially settled in the Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneur Hub and began his dream-chasing life in Qianhai. "There are subsidies for landing, and the supporting resources are also very complete. Humanistic care is in place. Because I'm from Hong Kong, I was often asked if I'm used to living and eating here. The staff also asked my friends and me for advice on Qianhai restaurant, making me feel at home. "

 Starting a business in Qianhai gives Jie different ideas. "Snowy owl is a kind of white owls, which is different from other night owls. It moves and forages during the daytime. " When talking about the company's name, Jie said that Hedwig, Harry Potter's messenger in the magic world, is also a snowy owl. He hopes to use the snowy owl as a messenger to connect with the mainland market to help him better serve the mainland customers.

 "Come to Qianhai in the morning and return to Hong Kong in the evening. But now, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, I can't go back to Hong Kong. For this reason, the Qianhai authority applied for a talent apartment for me. It takes me less than 20 minutes from the apartment to the company by bike, or I can arrive at the third stop by bus. Every day, I need to contact customers, connect projects and do some design work. After finishing my work, I usually go cycling. Qianhai has done a good job in virescence. It is warm like a home, and life is enjoyable here. " Jie, who has been living in "two cities", chose to stay in his "home" in Qianhai during the pandemic.

 At present, Snowy Owl focuses more on mainland customers, mainly undertaking animation advertising, interactive media, and game market advertising. "Now, the game industry in the mainland is developing well. Many overseas technical talents hope to come to the mainland for development. Therefore, while being a good pathfinder, I should strengthen team research and development and strive to complete some projects of game characters. The future of my Qianhai entrepreneurial dream is very promising. "

責任編輯:趙桐曲 羅家傑:敢闖多試,未來可期


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