-- 天氣
弘揚國粹 奉獻家鄉——記龍獅文化傳承人曾海平

弘揚國粹 奉獻家鄉——記龍獅文化傳承人曾海平

責任編輯:黃鶯 2021-06-02 17:29:51 來源:香港商报网



 Editor's Note

 Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has developed rapidly, creating a great miracle that makes the world look at it with new eyes. Shenzhen today is the epitome and witness of the significant historical change and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through the sharing of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan areas of China and the sharing of international friends, this column tells about their experiences and feelings of studying, working, living and starting a business in Shenzhen. It shows the Shenzhen temperament of daring to venture, openness and inclusiveness, being pragmatic and law-abiding, pursuing excellence, and Shenzhen’s charm of being suitable for living, business and tourism. Under the historic opportunity of building the first pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Shenzhen is starting a new journey with the momentum of "reform does not stop, opening up does not stop", and as a tribute to the centenary of the CPC.







 Zeng Haiping: carry forward the quintessence of Chinese culture, contribute to hometown

 ----Inheritor of dragon and Lion Culture

 "Dragon and lion are Chinese traditional art and intangible cultural heritage of China. Where Chinese live in the world, there is dragon and lion dance. The core spirit of the dragon and lion culture we inherit is that it gives people healthy physique and auspicious meaning. " Zeng Haiping, the inheritor of the post-90s dragon and lion, said with emotion: "I hope to see more and more teenagers love dragon and lion sports, join the ranks of dragon and lion sports, and carry forward the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation."

 Born in Pingshan, Shenzhen, Zeng Haiping moved to Hong Kong at the age of 10.  Zeng Haiping said frankly that he had the habit of going back to his hometown to visit his relatives and found that his hometown was gradually developing. In the past, farmland and rotten land have now become high-rise buildings, high-grade office buildings and shopping malls. Moreover, high-speed railway runs directly to Pingshan, making it very convenient to go back and forth. Zeng Haiping believes that Pingshan is the center of Eastern Shenzhen and will surely develop well in the future. To choose a city to start a business is to look at its future. To choose Pingshan is to choose Shenzhen's future "Eastern Center".

 "Many friends asked me why I chose to go back when I was the youngest and the best. In fact, I have always had a dream and found my interest in my hometown."  Zeng Haiping said that before he left Pingshan as a child, there was a qilin team in the village. Every new year's festival was full of gongs and drums. At that time, he had a strong interest in these traditional cultures. When he was 12 years old, Zeng Haiping formally learned from Guo Weikang in Hong Kong. Guo Weikang is currently a coach and referee recognized by the Chinese dragon and lion Association of Hong Kong. Zeng Haiping has participated in a number of local and international competitions, and has won many good results: he won the traditional championship of "Four Seas one heart cup" in 2015; In 2016, he won the championship of traditional lion art in the "Four Seas one heart Jazz Cup" and won the qualification of the Hong Kong champion seed team to represent the Hong Kong team in the world championships; In 2018, he won the championship of the second "Four Seas one heart (Hong Kong jizhongtang cup)" world traditional lion king challenge.

 In 2018, Zeng Haiping officially returned to Pingshan to realize his dream of dragon and lion. Because the Qilin team is the majority in Pingshan, Longgang and Huizhou, while the dragon lion team is less in Pingshan, he wants to bring the dragon lion cultural movement back to his hometown and inherit the movement, hoping to contribute to the development of his hometown and add luster to the traditional cultural movement in Pingshan. With the support of the village and the streets, Zeng Haiping successfully held two sessions of public dragon and lion teaching activities, which received warm attention from the society and recruited more than 60 students.

 Zeng Haiping said frankly that he also encountered many difficulties in the process of starting his own business. "After all, he has lived in Hong Kong for many years and his interpersonal relationships are all in Hong Kong. When he returned to his hometown to start his own business, he needed to adapt again. He especially hoped to get help. At that time, thanks to the help of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and entrepreneurship base in Pingshan district.". Pingshan District Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and entrepreneurship base is an innovation and entrepreneurship platform built by Pingshan district for Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao youth. It not only provides free office space and entrepreneurship guidance, but also often holds some entrepreneurship salons. Through the platform of Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Innovation and entrepreneurship base in Pingshan District, Zeng Haiping rapidly expanded his contacts and gained more performance opportunities.

 In Zeng Haiping's view, dragon and lion dance is not only a traditional sport, but also contains the traditional cultural spirit of rules and etiquette, which is of great significance to inherit and carry forward the national traditional culture. Lion dance activities are also widely spread in overseas Chinese communities. Where there are Chinese, there must be lion dance. It has become an important ceremony to promote the national prestige and establish the soul of China. It is an important cultural bridge, and its cultural value and influence are far-reaching. He hopes to cultivate more inheritors of dragon and lion culture through this work.

責任編輯:黃鶯 弘揚國粹 奉獻家鄉——記龍獅文化傳承人曾海平


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