-- 天氣
了解這裏 愛上這裏——記弘金地國際網球學院網球主教練帕布魯

了解這裏 愛上這裏——記弘金地國際網球學院網球主教練帕布魯

責任編輯:黃鶯 2021-06-04 11:06:32 來源:香港商报网



 Editor's Note

 Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has developed rapidly, creating a great miracle that makes the world look at it with new eyes. Shenzhen today is the epitome and witness of the significant historical change and rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Through the sharing of compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan areas of China and the sharing of international friends, this column tells about their experiences and feelings of studying, working, living and starting a business in Shenzhen. It shows the Shenzhen temperament of daring to venture, openness and inclusiveness, being pragmatic and law-abiding, pursuing excellence, and Shenzhen’s charm of being suitable for living, business and tourism. Under the historic opportunity of building the first pilot demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics, Shenzhen is starting a new journey with the momentum of "reform does not stop, opening up does not stop", and as a tribute to the centenary of the CPC.

 「坪山是我所見過發展和變化最快的地方。」從地中海沿岸的伊比利亞半島到中國南海邊的粵港澳大灣區,從風情熱辣的瓦倫西亞到創新開放的鵬城深圳,Pablo Garcia Gaitan,這位西班牙籍網球教練,帶着他超過15年的執教經驗來到了中國深圳,並最終選擇在坪山成家立業。

 「『哇哦』!這裏的一切都是新的!」 憶起第一次來坪山的場景,帕布魯如是說到。「Amazing」「Massive」是帕布魯用來形容眼前的網球場地時情不自禁說出來的單詞。「這一切都太令人驚嘆了!不僅西班牙,連歐洲都沒有這樣的網球俱樂部」,但除了這些全新的設施以外,這裏還什麼都沒有。








 Pablo: know more about it, fell in love with it

 --Tennis Coach of Gemdale International Tennis Academy

 "Pingshan District of Shenzhen is the place with the fastest growing and changing pace among all the places I have ever known." From Iberia Peninsula along the Mediterranean to Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area near the South China Sea, from the bold and unrestrained Valencia to Shenzhen, a creative and open city, Pablo, the Spanish tennis coach, with his more than 15 years of experience in coaching, came to China and settled down in Pingshan.

 "Wow! Everything was new here!" Pablo said when he recalled his first visit to Pingshan. He used the words "amazing" and "massive" to describe the tennis courts in front of him. "It's so amazing! There is no tennis club like this in Spain, or even in Europe. " However, except for new facilities, there was nothing.

 At that time, there was no player in Gemdale International Tennis Academy, no place for students to stay, no garden community nearby, no Innovation Plaza, and Pingshan culture center in the distance. Everything started from scratch. "Then, schools, hotels, gymnasiums...... Everything started to be built, and everything you see is new. " After six years of living in Pingshan, Pablo praised: "Pingshan District of Shenzhen is the place with the fastest growing and changing pace among all the places I have ever known."

 In addition to still growing at a rapid pace, Pingshan has shown another side: It i a city with an innovative environment and a great natural ecology. Tennis is the medium of daily dialogue between Pablo and the world, and Pingshan is where the foreign coach settled down.

 When it comes to his initial impression of Shenzhen, Pablo describes it as "like New York". "When I started to learn about the city, I thought Shenzhen was great. And the quality of life in Pingshan is very high, the people are amiable, and the buildings are very new, so I decided to move."

 Pingshan's natural ecology is also one of the reasons why Pablo fell in love with it. In Pingshan, there are all kinds of parks, lakes, and mountains. For six years, Pablo, who was alone, has his lovely family. Now, he lives in Pingshan with his wife, who he met on the tour, and his son, who is about one year old. "My wife and I both love living here very much, " Pablo said.

 "I think one thing that's great about the Chinese is that they don't just look at the moment; they look at the big picture. " When it comes to the entrepreneurial environment in Pingshan, all sorts of feelings well up in Pablo’s mind. "It's not just a coincidence that everything is currently going so well in Pingshan; it's all planned and prepared, and the plans are all tied to what you want to achieve in the next five or ten years."

 Pablo, who wanted to leave his comfort zone and come to China to "begin again", continued to say, "The innovative and entrepreneurial atmosphere in Pingshan inspires companies and individuals to keep working here." "In Spain, I was lucky enough to coach some excellent players and to travel around the world with professional tennis players. But I needed to make another move in my life to step out of my comfort zone, which is one reason I came to China. Fortunately, I came to Pingshan, and I got good opportunities to grow here."

 Every change in Pingshan these years is constantly attracting more people to love Pingshan, and" these changes will attract more foreigners to live in Pingshan, " Pablo said.

責任編輯:黃鶯 了解這裏 愛上這裏——記弘金地國際網球學院網球主教練帕布魯


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